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Center for Design Research (CDR) is a community of scholars focused on understanding and augmenting engineering design innovation and design education. 

Founded in 1984, CDR is a nexus for PhD students and researchers collaborating in the realm of design thinking, robotics, rehabilitative technologies, engineering design education, STEM education, neurodesign and business innovation.

CDR research laboratories are headed by Professors Larry Leifer (CDR Director), Mark Cutkosky, Allison Okamura, and Sheri Sheppard (Co-Directors).


     Design Group





The Biomimetics and Dexterous Manipilation Lab (BDML), led by Professor Mark Cutkosky, conducts research activities that include modeling and control of dextrous manipulation with robotic and teleoperated hands; force and tactile feedback in telemanipulation and virtual environments; and design and control of compliant "biomimetic" robots with embedded sensors and actuators.


Researchers in the Collaborative Haptics and Robotics in Medicine Lab (CHARM Lab), led by Professor 苹果网络加速器下载, design and study haptic systems using both analytical and experimental approaches. This research has applications in robot-assisted surgery, simulation and training, rehabilitation, exploration of hazardous or remote environments, enabling technologies, manufacturing, design, mobile computing, and education. 


The Designing Education Lab (DEL), led by Professor Sheri Sheppard, i手游加速器_手游加速器下载_永久免费手游加速器推荐_多特 ...:2021-6-12 · 手游加速器,手游加速器目前市面上有很多,许多小伙伴伔在玩手机 游戏 的情况下都是表明有卡屏的状况出現,要想玩的更为顺畅,小编给大伙儿梳理了完全免费的手游加速器合辑,喜爱的小伙伴伔赶快来下载吧!


Prof. Larry Leifer's  DesignX community is composed of members arriving from a diverse range of disciplines, including sociology, product design, neuroscience, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, economics, business and architecture. The initiatives within DesignX lab consist of:  Design Thinking Research,  lnteraction Design (IxD) Group, NeuroDesignScience Program,  Business Design Research, Food Design Research, Foresign Design Research, Resiliience Design Research, Human Innovation Design Engineering research group, and Stanford Center for  Innovation & Design Research.





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